How Running 2 Miles a Day Can Change Your Life
In January 2023, I set a goal of running 2 miles a day for an entire month.
I’ve been a marathoner since 2014, but I’d never run for more than two or three days in a row. While running streaks are common among runners, they never appealed to me.
As a running coach, I know that rest days are essential. However, I also knew that each person’s body is unique, and I could listen to what my body needed.
During those 31 days of regular running, I saw many transformations. If you’re searching for the benefits of running 2 miles daily (and the drawbacks), I’m here to share my findings!
Before Starting Your 2 Miles a Day Routine
Before starting any fitness routine, check in with your doctor.
Each year, I see my primary care physician for an annual physical. I get bloodwork drawn and speak with my doctor about anything that might have changed the previous year.
If you have any aches, pains, or concerns, talk with your doctor about them. Once cleared, you’ll know it’s safe to begin running 2 miles daily.
What You Should Expect
If you’re not much of a runner, running 2 miles every day can be overwhelming. Rather than starting with 2 miles on day one, start with a shorter distance or opt for a timed run.
Gradually building up to 2 miles is the ideal way to help your body and mind prepare.
Additionally, you can use the run/walk method to make it easier for your body to cover the distance.
How Long Does it Take to Run 2 Miles?
If running 2 miles is something you’ll need to add to your daily routine, you need to know how long it will take.
The average person can walk a mile in about 15 to 22 minutes. If your running pace is closer to a walking pace, you’ll finish 2 miles in 30 to 44 minutes.
You’ll need about 45 minutes for this new daily habit.
If you maintain a relatively average running pace of 10 to 12 minutes per mile, you’ll run 2 miles in 20 to 24 minutes.
5 Great Benefits of Running 2 Miles a Day
The sport of running has provided me with many benefits. Running daily isn’t necessary to experience the following benefits, but you’ll likely come across them with a 2-mile-a-day running hobby.
1. Improve Your Health
Regular running improves overall health. This includes strengthening your heart and lungs for better cardiovascular health.
Running often also helps decrease your risk of chronic conditions like obesity, cancer, and dementia.
2. Manage Your Body Weight
Whether you want to lose or maintain weight, running can help. A regular running routine and a proper diet can do just that.
I’m a certified Endurance Sports Nutrition Coach, and when you consume high-quality foods in a well-balanced diet, your body performs better. Eating less is often not the answer to weight management with endurance sports.
3. Improve Your Mental Wellness
Regular running will improve your mental health. Studies show routine fitness leads to better management of depression, anxiety, and stress.
Running allows you time away from stressors to clear your mind and get right with your mental wellness.
4. Build Your Confidence
Doing something brave, like sticking to a running routine, will strengthen your confidence.
Running is hard. Finding the courage to stick to running often is challenging. But when you choose to run and keep active every day, you’ll begin to believe in yourself and see your confidence blossom.
5. Create a Routine
Building one healthy routine proves you can meet a challenge. When running each day becomes second nature, you can expand on your healthy routine.
You can make better choices like setting a dedicated bedtime, a healthier diet of less processed, nutrient-dense foods, or reading daily.
Running 2 Miles a Day Weight Loss
Let’s revisit the idea of running 2 miles a day and the weight loss that may accompany it.
Running can certainly be one part of a puzzle to your weight loss journey.
Many look to a calorie deficit to lose weight. This means eating fewer calories than your body uses daily. However, studies show that bodies are not equal in this outdated weight loss belief.
The reality is that weight management requires a well-rounded lifestyle. This includes physical activity, a properly balanced diet, rest, mental wellness, and sometimes the assistance of a physician.
If any of these puzzle pieces are missing, your ability to manage your weight with daily running is less viable.
How to Stick With It
The following are things that will help you stick with your new, 2-mile-a-day running routine:
⭐️ Set your goal in writing
⭐️ Run first thing in the morning
⭐️ Ask a friend to join you
⭐️ Include cross-training activities to build strength
⭐️ Print out a month-long calendar to check off as you go
⭐️ Pick a reward for each week you complete your goal
Running 2 Miles a Day Transformation & Results
If you’re wondering how long it will take to see results from running 2 miles a day, the answer isn’t cut and dry. Remember, everyone is different.
Depending on your current fitness level, determination, and genetics, you’ll see different results from week to week.
→ Week 1: You’ll likely feel tired and sore during your first week. Your body is working to maintain this new fitness routine.
Sleep well at night to help manage your daily energy use. Also, make more informed, nutritious choices to help your body recover and prepare.
→ Week 2: By the second week, most runners find they’re quicker than when they began. Even a 10-20 second per mile difference is excellent progress.
This is also usually a turning point for gaining energy throughout the day. Continue to prioritize rest and nutrient-dense foods.
→ Week 3: The third week will either feel like a seamless routine or begin to weigh on you. Keep in mind you’re running for just about 25 minutes or so. This is entirely doable!
You likely won’t feel sore after your run or when you wake up the following day, and your energy levels should feel higher. You may see some transformation in your weight, mood, and strength by this point.
→ Week 4: The final week of your 2-mile-a-day month-long run streak is approaching. By now, your routine is natural, and you might even crave the run. You may have lost weight, or your body may have more progress within the next two weeks.
While each person’s body will respond differently, this guideline can help you know what to expect.
My Experience Running 2 Miles a Day
Running 2 miles a day was enjoyable. I ran through cold and rainy days, and I also made sure to get my two-mile run in on my birthday.
My weight fluctuated weekly. I gained a pound in the first week, and four days before the month was up, I was at my lowest weight of January.
When the month finished, I weighed exactly what I weighed before I began. I didn’t change anything about my diet during this time. This proves a proper nutrition plan is the key to weight loss and management.
In addition to running daily, I attended my usual weekly classes at my local yoga studio. This included one HIIT sculpt class, two hot vinyasa classes, and two weekly yin classes. I also hiked one day each week.
These were all workouts I incorporated every week before starting my running streak.
Here are my stats:
January 1st
Weight – 162.4 lbs
Calves – 14 ⅛ inches
Thighs – 24 ⅞ inches
Hips – 38 ¼ inches
Waist – 32 ½ inches
Arms – 11 ¾ inches
February 1st
Weight – 162.4 lbs
Calves – 14 ½ inches
Thighs – 24 ¾ inches
Hips – 38 inches
Waist – 32 inches
Arms – 11 ⅜ inches
As you can see, I made some minor moves on numbers. But this was all while eating whatever and whenever I wanted.
You can see some differences in my body composition, most noticeably on my back. My posture was also significantly impacted, as seen in my side profile. Daily running helped increase my confidence, which improved my posture (#PowerStace).
How I Felt During the Month
At first, it felt overwhelming. Even as a marathoner, I was concerned at the start of the month, knowing I had to run every day.
I took it slow and easy and used the run/walk method as much as needed. I needed to do whatever it took to be able to run for 31 days.
By the second week, I started feeling good. My breathing was more synced up with my movement, I was taking fewer walk breaks, and my legs were feeling stronger.
I began to get a bit worn out by the last week, but I don’t believe this was due solely to the daily runs.
💡 I found I ran best on days I wasn’t completing other intense workouts.
Rather than having to shower twice daily for most days of the month, I would complete my yoga or HIIT classes and run immediately afterward.
This isn’t recommended, and whenever you complete twice-a-day workouts, you should always leave space between them. The optimal amount of time is eight hours between workouts.
After My Run Streak
I took a week off running but continued my regular yoga, HIIT, and hiking routine.
When I finally ran again on February 7th, I felt great! I chose to run three miles, and I felt strong and refreshed.
I started my spring half marathon training, and running two miles for 31 days helped me build a strong foundation.
I ran my course PR for the St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Nashville Half Marathon at the end of April. I ran this race consistently for three years in 2 hours and 19 minutes. This year, I finished in 2 hours and nine minutes.
Yep – I shaved ten minutes off my course time!
After a week off from running, my skin started to act up quite a bit. I had more acne than I’ve had in a long time. Studies show running can help acne and prevent breakouts, and I experienced this firsthand.
While results can differ from person to person, you’ll likely see a positive change. When you run 2 miles daily, your legs will likely become toned from carrying your body weight. Be sure to eat nutrient-dense foods to improve your body’s response to the activity, leading to the best results.
Running 2 miles a day is good if you are healthy. Some runners must start slowly and gradually build up to two miles. Once you can run 2 miles daily, you’ll notice positive changes in your body and mind. Additionally, running 2 miles a day shows that you are physically capable of doing something that requires a lot of effort. This is something you should be proud of!
Final Thoughts: Running 2 Miles a Day
Running 2 miles a day was an eye-opening experience, and I learned even more about running.
With so many benefits of running 2 miles daily, it’s a great fitness routine to start today. Soon, you’ll be able to run three miles daily. In the future, you will be so thankful you got started!