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How Many Miles is a 10k? 12 Essential Tips + a 10k Training Plan

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I’ve run several 10k races, and my favorite was the James Island Connector Run in Charleston, SC. But before I ever ran one, I asked a fairly common question: “How many miles is a 10k?”

→ A 10k is equal to 6.2 miles.

Here, you’ll find all the information you need to know, from the 10k distance in miles to how you can prepare. So, let’s get to it!

How Many Miles is a 10k?

Jumping right in, we first need to know how many miles a 10k is to prepare.

Simply put, a 10k is 6.2 miles.

A 10k is equal to 6.2 miles.

The “k” in 10k stands for kilometers. Kilometers are a measurement used within the metric system around the world. However, if you’re an American running a long-distance race in the US like me, kilometers can be a bit complex to understand.

If you’ve already run a 5k, you might know the distance of the race is 3.1 miles. A 10-kilometer race is double the distance of a 5k race. Knowing this, a 10k is equal to 6.2 miles.

Why You Should Run a 10k

There are many reasons that make the 10k an ideal race distance. The following are just a few.

⭐️ Challenging Without Overwhelming

The 10k is a great way to enjoy long-distance running without overworking your body like a half marathon or marathon would. It’s the perfect distance whether you’re a longtime runner or someone just getting started.

⭐️ Time Manageable

10k training requires much less time than running longer distances. This is why the 10k is better than the half marathon.

For busy people, the time you need to train is much more manageable for shorter races like 5ks and 10ks. If you want to run a 10k, your training will likely require ten weeks or less.

⭐️ Decreased Injury Risk

Because 10k training is less intense than longer distances, your risk of injury is greatly decreased. You can slowly build up your weekly mileage, allowing your musculoskeletal system to strengthen and helping avoid common injuries like shin splints and plantar fasciitis.

⭐️ Ideal Entry Point for Long-Distance Running

The 10k race is a good introduction to distance running for anyone considering running a half marathon. This can help you see how your body responds when pressured for a middle-distance race. Once you cross the finish line, you’ll have the confidence you need for half-marathon training.

⭐️ Build a Healthy Lifestyle

Whether you want to run for weight loss reasons or to get outside regularly, training for a 10k is a perfect way to begin building a healthier lifestyle.

The 10k is the perfect distance for most who want to improve their relationship with health and fitness. Your 10k training will help you become more active within a manageable timeframe.

⭐️ Opportunity for Charity Running

There are many charity events and fun runs for the 10k race distance. Make your race more meaningful by raising money to support a cause. I’m a big-time supporter and charity runner for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

While the Nashville Rock ‘n’ Roll Race Series doesn’t have a 10k, it does have a 6.15-mile race that is nearly the distance while repping our city area code.

Is 10k a Full Marathon?

No, a 10k is not a full marathon. But this is a common thought amongst new runners and nonrunners. Not every running event is a marathon.

It’s common to hear someone say, “How was your 5k marathon?” However, a 5k is nowhere close to the distance of a full marathon.

A full marathon is 26.2 miles. A 10k isn’t even half of the distance of a half marathon. Remember, a 10k in miles is 6.2 miles.

The 10k is the best distance race if you’re not into longer distances. It takes around an hour to run, which is very manageable compared to the average marathon time of around 4 hours and 30 minutes.

What’s the Average Time for a 10k?

If you’re running your first 10k race, you’ll want to know a time estimate of how long you’ll be running on race day.

Consider two factors when assessing the average time to finish a 10k.

1️⃣ Age.

2️⃣ Gender.

These are essential elements when discussing running averages. Separating runners into these categories helps to identify a more realistic finish time prediction for you.

Typically male runners run faster than female runners. Age also impacts a runner’s speed, where younger runners tend to run quicker than older runners.

The following chart shows the average time for a 10k based on gender and age groups.

The average 10k times are divided by age and gender. If you wondered how many miles is a 10k, you may also want to know these averages.

What’s a Good 10k Finish Time?

Understanding what constitutes a good 10k finish time is key because it helps you set a high-quality goal.

Remember, it’s better to set a realistic goal for your first 10k rather than just choosing a time you saw posted online. Consider your age, gender, current fitness level, and ability to commit to a 10k training plan.

A good 10k race pace differs from one runner to the next. Consider your average mile time, and make a goal based on this data.

The average person can complete a 10k in around an hour. This is a great 10k finish time; you’ll need to keep a 10-minute mile pace.

Advanced runners who spend significant time training can generally finish a 10k in around 40 minutes.

10k Time by Age

If it’s been a few years since you last ran a 10k, know that your age will likely impact the time required to run your next 10k. If it’s been 5 or 10 years, it’s a great idea to reassess and consider aiming for a new goal.

As you can see on the Average 10k Finish Times chart, average times get slower as runners age.

A male runner who is 17 is looking at an average finish time of around 46 minutes. Meanwhile, a male runner aged 52 is looking at an average finish time of around 56 minutes.

10k Time by Gender

Referring to the Average 10k Finish Times chart, you’ll see that the average times are always slightly quicker for male runners than female runners.

While men run faster race times on average compared to women, there are still many quick female runners. This is why it’s imperative to consider your age and abilities before predicting a race finish time.

10k Pace Chart

A pace chart is a great tool when you’re aiming for a specific finish time.

10k pace chart in miles that helps a runner identify the minutes per mile pace they must run to finish a 10k race in a specified time. This chart shows paces of 4 minutes 30 seconds per mile up to 16 minutes per mile. The finish times range from 27 minutes and 54 seconds to one hour 39 minutes and 12 seconds.

If you already have a time goal for your 10k, look at the finish time column. The “min/mile” column will show you the goal race pace required to finish in that time.

Likewise, you can consider your current average mile pace and look in the “min/mile” column to find a time closest to yours. This will help you identify a realistic 10k finish time.

For instance, if you run an average nine-minute mile pace, you can finish a 10k in about 55 minutes and 48 seconds.

What is the World Record 10k Time?

If you want to set a world record in the 10k race, your legs must be tuned to run lightning fast. Elite runners run like the wind.

Races of all distances have a world record holder. 10k races are no different.

🏅 The current 10k world record is held by Rhonex Kipruto, completing the distance in an impressive time of 26 minutes and 24 seconds. This finish time equates to a 4-minute 15-second per mile pace.

🏅 The women’s 10k world record holder is Joyciline Jepkosgei, with a fast finish time of 29 minutes and 43 seconds. Joyciline held a 4-minute 48-second per mile pace for this finish time.

These are the fastest times recorded, so they aren’t realistic for a first-time 10k runner. If you’re hoping to earn first place at your local 10k, you might not need to run as quickly, but you’ll still need to manage a fast time to win.

These competitive runners are next-level, but one can still appreciate their faster pace.

How Long Does it Take to Train to Run a 10k?

This is a loaded question. The answer depends heavily on your previous running experience.

Some people are sitting behind their computer or phone screens reading this, and they’re in good enough shape to race a 10k… tomorrow!

If you’re starting from the beginning and you’ve never run a race before, you’ll want to give yourself plenty of time to improve your base training.

You’ll need to get in shape beyond just learning to run well. Then, you’ll want to use the best 10k training plan.

Allotting ten weeks to train to run a 10k race is sufficient time. If you’re already physically fit, you can likely get by with a few weeks less training for a 10k.

Can I Train for a 10k Race in Two Months?

Although ten weeks is an ideal schedule to train for a 10k, some runners can make it happen in 2 months or less.

This is two weeks less than most beginners’ recommended 10k training plan. If you’re low on time, you’ll need to be serious about training for two months. This might mean making sacrifices on fun times out with your friends.

How Long Would it Take to Walk a 10k?

You may prefer to walk rather than run. You may have started training for a 10k and got derailed. Now, you’re hoping to walk the distance on race day.

On average, people walk a mile within a time of 15 to 22 minutes. Considering this, we can use basic math to find how long it will take you to walk a 10k.

How long would it take to walk a 10k? 15 minutes multiplied by 6.2 miles equals 93 minutes or 1 hour and 33 minutes. For those who walk slower, 22 minutes multiplied by 6.2 miles equals 136.4 minutes or 2 hours and 16 minutes.

On average, a person can walk a 10k between 1 hour 33 minutes and 2 hours 16 minutes at a walking pace. If you’ve got more pep in your step, you’ll likely finish the 10k in an hour and a half.

Some 10k courses have time limits. Check with the 10k race you decide on to be sure you’ll have enough time to finish if you choose to walk.

12 Best 10k Training Tips

The following training tips will help you start, sustain, and complete an entire training program for your 10k race. If today you feel overwhelmed by the thought of training, these running tips will help you have a good racing experience.

1. Check with your doctor to ensure your general health is adequate.

Yearly physicals ensure your health before you begin any exercise program. Before starting a training plan, discuss any medical condition, injury history, daily health, and other concerns with your doctor.

Make an appointment with your primary care physician to confirm that running a 10k is beneficial to your overall health.

2. Start with the proper equipment.

If this is your first running race, you might not have any essential running resources needed to start.

Good running shoes and moisture-wicking clothes are necessary for training and race day. Remember, never run a race in brand-new shoes. Use the training runs to break in your new pair to be ready for race day.

3. Lock in a training plan and stick to it.

Print out your training plan and cross off each day as you complete it. This is a top tip that will help you stay motivated!

4. Hire a Running Coach

The best way to train for any running event is to find a trusted coach. A coach will help you create the best training plan based on your needs.

Understandably, many runners don’t have the money to hire a coach, so they rely on the internet to find the best 10k training plan. Just be aware that you must listen to your body and adjust your training.

5. Stay consistent.

It’s a good idea to complete at least a handful of training runs at the time of day the race will take place. This allows you the time to try different pre-race fuel and beverages to be sure they sit right with your stomach.

Consider starting a healthy habit by keeping a morning running routine. Maintaining consistency will ensure the best outcome for race day.

6. Find your support system.

This could be your family, friends, or even your local running club. Having people in your life who support your running journey will help you keep you going on your most challenging training days.

7. Take rest days. Seriously.

It’s never a good idea to overdo it and force yourself into burnout. Rest helps to reduce muscle soreness and keep you feeling strong.

In addition to taking rest days during training, you should get enough sleep so your body can recover from your tough workouts.

8. Add in cross-training.

Add cross-training to strengthen your running. Once you reach a good base fitness level with your running, cross-training workouts will help to round off your training.

These different forms of exercise will significantly improve your running. Yoga, weight lifting, and cycling are excellent options for strength training.

9. Keep yourself healthy with nutrient-dense food and beverages.

Always aim to eat a well-balanced diet. Get quality carbohydrates and stay hydrated with water and low-sugar electrolyte drinks to keep your body prepared for your training runs.

10. Taper before race day.

Avoid running yourself ragged in the days leading up to race day. Tapering resets your body and helps fill your glycogen stores to provide energy on race day.

11. Trust your training.

If you’ve never run a race, you’ll likely feel nervous the day before and the morning of the race. This is entirely normal. Remember that you’ve trained to succeed. You’re ready to run 6.2 miles!

12. Have fun!

The most important thing and the main reason we do this sport is for the fun of it. Enjoy your time on the course, and remember that race day is the celebration of your training efforts.

10k Training Plan Necessities

Training plans can be very general or as specific as a runner needs. This is why working closely with a running coach can be beneficial.

For those who go the route of solo training for their 10k, a proper training plan should be followed but altered as needed. You should follow the general guidelines of a solid training plan but adapt as your body needs.

A proper 10k training plan will include a few possible elements each week.

👉🏼 Long Run

The staple of every training program is the weekly long run. These longer runs help your body adapt to the distance and strengthen your musculoskeletal system.

The longest run for a 10k training plan will range from 6 to 10 miles.

The lesser mileage is helpful for a first-time 10k runner, whereas the longer mileage benefits a runner attempting to improve their previous race time and earn a PR.

👉🏼 Tempo Run

A tempo run will be done at a near-race pace.

A good tempo run consists of warming up, running for an extended period at a good pace, and cooling down. Tempo runs will help you meet your race day pace goal.

👉🏼 Easy Runs

These runs help you recover after long mileage or strenuous workouts.

Running slower is beneficial in many ways. Slower runs allow you to improve your running form, build your endurance, and help you avoid injuries.

👉🏼 Repeats

Repeats are a type of sprint workout. There are various options to choose from.

For 10k training, it’s wise to use interval training by sprinting for 30-45 seconds and walking or jogging to recover for one minute before running again.

Speed training like this helps your legs become more familiar with the quicker pace of 10k.

👉🏼 Cross-Training Session

These workouts will help you build strength beyond your running muscles.

Remember that walking is considered cross-training, so you should make time for these alternative exercises in your training schedule.

👉🏼 Rest and Recovery Days

Remember, rest is an integral part of any training program. Proper rest helps the body recover and strengthen muscle fibers. Recovery days can include light jogging or walking.

Your weekly mileage will gradually increase until you begin the taper phase, but each of the above elements should be a part of your training cycle.

10k Training Plans

You’ll need to look through various 10k training plans to find something that suits your needs as a runner.

If you’re a beginner, this 10-week, 10k training plan is a great way to get started. It will take you from running an easy 1.5 miles to completing your 10k confidently.

Print the following training plan or save it to your phone. To stay motivated, mark off the days as you complete them.

Beginner's 10k training plan guiding runners to complete a 10k training cycle and be prepared to complete a race.


What is a 10k in miles?

The distance of 10k in miles is 6.2 miles. This is twice the distance of a 5k (3.1 miles) but not nearly half the distance of a half marathon (13.1 miles).

How Long Does it Take to Prepare for a 10k?

The amount of time required to prepare for a 10k depends on the runner. If you’re physically fit and running regularly, you may be able to run a 10k in just a few weeks. If you’re new to running, expect you’ll need about ten weeks to train.

What is a Good 10k Time for a Woman?

Based on the average 10k finish times, a good 10k time for a woman is just over an hour. If you can manage to run a 10k in an hour or less, you will be above average for the race distance.

Final Thoughts: How Many Miles is a 10k?

If you’re preparing for the new training challenge to run your first 10k, use the above tips for a successful race day. The 10k foot race is a great distance to help take your running to the next level, especially after tackling the length of a 5k race.

If you’re living in the United States like me, you should know how many miles a 10k is after reading this post. Now, stick to your training plan, get your rest, and I’ll see you at the finish line!

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